
Drugs are in general a very hip and mysterious experience. First I want to say probably a lot of people have heard of black magic, or voodoo, and references to people being possessed. Well, drugs can be all of that, and sometimes more. They can also be less than nothing. I have heard that for a long time doctors have been giving people who were incurably ill shots that gave them all kinds of vivid dreams and sent them into various states of ecstasy and made them forget about the horrible pains they might be having, and in a lot of cases where they could have died at any moment, they were given a resurgence of life by these drugs. Also people who participate in certain types of ancient rituals have communicated in some mysterious way with some of the timeless vibrations in the wind, and have become possessed by perhaps what they were in another life, or what their character suggests they really are; or sometimes they have been known to become pigs, chickens or anything that the true spiritual soul dictates.
